Entries by Din

Resumption of Face-to-Face Visitation and Home Leave

Following the advisory from AIC, face-to-face visitation and home leave will resume, the resumption is for those who are fully vaccinated, residents and visitors inclusive. You will receive a notification from the centre nearer the date for information on the opening of visitation dates and timing. Face to face visitation  In order to provide each […]

Resumption of Face-to-face visitations at Nursing Homes

We recognise that it has been a difficult period for family members and Caregivers who wish to visit your loved ones at our nursing homes during the Circuit Breaker and in Phase 1 of Post-circuit Breaker. The Multi-Ministry Taskforce has recently announced plans to move from Phase 1 Post-circuit Breaker to Phase 2, hence, visits […]

Elevated Covid-19 Precautionary Measures in Nursing Home

Dear Caregivers, In our letter dated 1st April 2020, we elaborated the various level of precautionary measures that have been implemented in United Medicare Centre (UMC) in response to the COVID-19 since January 2020. We would like to further update on the development and situation in our Nursing Home. With the virus spread in the […]